

Tuurama Trust

Invercargill City Council

Well South

Te Putahitanga o Te Waipounamu

Te Rourou Vodafone Aotearoa Foundation


ILT Foundation

Active Southland Tu Manawa Fund

South Port NZ

Zone Sponsors

Te Rau Aroha Marae

Te Runaka o Awarua

Nga Kete Matauranga Pounamu

Waihopai Runaka Hauora Services

Shine The Light In Dark Places

Whanau Consultancy Services

Awarua Whanau Services

Motu Pohue Bluff Hill Trust

Hokonui Health Services

All Organisation Involved:

46 South Coffee 

Active Southland

Adventure Development Ltd

Adventure Southland


Alliance Mataura 

Awarua Synergy

Awarua Whanau Services

Bluff Church

Bluff Golf Club 

Bluff Hill Motu Pohue Environmental Trust

Bluff Masonic Lodge

Bluff Oyster Shed

Bluff School

Bluff Sea Scouts

Dig This

Freight Haulage 

Goodman Fielder  

Great South - Southland Youth Futures

H&J Smith

Hayz Limited / Hayz At The Anchorage Restaurant And Bar

Healing Through Korero

Hine Mahuta Hauora

Hokonui Runaka

ILT Foundation

Invercargill City Council

Invercargill City Library

Ishotz Photography

Kiwi Harvest 

Kora Aotearoa (Spark New Zealand)

Mai Time

Miharo Murihiku Trust

Ministry of Education

Mitre 10 Mega Invercargill

Murihiku Regeneration

Nga Kete Matauranga

NZ Police


Only Fades Barbers

Oranga Tamariki

Oyster Cove

Port Maintenance Ltd

PowerNet Limited

Prime Range

Resene Paints

Safety 1st

Sanfords Ltd

Shine the Light in the Dark Places


SIT band SouNZ

South City Party Nibbles

South Port Ltd

Southern REAP

Southern Transport Co Limited

Te Atakura

Te Putahitanga o Te Waipounamu

Te Rau Aroha Marae

Te Rourou Vodafone Aotearoa Foundation

Te Runaka o Awarua

Te Runaka o Awarua / HIT Lab NZ

Te Tapu o Tane Limited

The Garage Re-Habitat

Toi Aroha

Transport World

Tuumanawa Active Aotearoa

Tuurama Trust

University of Canterbury

University of Otago

Waihopai Haurora

Waihopai Runaka

WellSouth Primary Health Network

Whanau consultancy

Whiria te ao - weaving the worlds RAKIURA

Woven Therapy

Your Corps